
“GLESIUTIS. Chiesette campestri del Medio Friuli” is a book that was devised and coordinated by the Progetto Integrato Cultura del Medio Friuli (the Central Friuli Integrated Culture Project). The title means “Rural churches of Central Friuli”. It was edited by Antonella Ottogalli and produced with the support of the Fondazione Friuli, with collaboration from the Archdiocese of Udine’s Cultural Heritage Department.

The publication is the product of many years of in-depth historical and artistic research into local popular piety. In the introduction, Fulvio dell’Agnese describes how wonderful it was to discover the places of worship. This is followed by profiles of each of the 35 churches that were studied. There are detailed descriptions of the architecture of the buildings, the surrounding landscape, the works of art inside them, and the vows that led to the construction of the places of worship and local memories associated with them, as well as religious celebrations that still take place inside them.

The book aims to serve as a guide, provide food for thought and inspire people to explore the countryside in Central Friuli, giving readers/visitors an opportunity to take a deep dive into age-old stories and wander through landscapes where time seems to stand still. Walks through local historical sites and the everyday rural world can pique their curiosity and reveal the details that still lie hidden in walls, paintings, memories and narratives, preserving them and bringing them back to life. It is only by getting to know our rich heritage and its treasures that we can not only protect and safeguard but also share and showcase them.